Global Medical Insurance: Rates

New Business Rates for Global Medical Insurance® International Medical Insurance Plans

Our Global Medical Insurance® offers four levels of international medical insurance. Each plan level has unique benefit options and allows you to customize the plan to your individual needs.

Available Plan Options Include:


Age M F M F M F M F M F M F
14 Days-9** First 2 Free*, Then 316 First 2 Free*, Then 275 First 2 Free*, Then 214 First 2 Free*, Then 188 First 2 Free*, Then 172 First 2 Free*, Then 153
10-18** 323 288 238 221 208 184
* The first two Dependent Children between the ages of 14 days to 9 years are free only when both parents or guardians are insured under the plan. **Dependent child rates are only available when at least one parent or guardian is insured under the plan. Children applying with no parent or guardian insured by must use the Male 19-24 rates.
19-24 732 913 634 899 494 689 430 600 338 482 300 415
25-29 773 1,040 675 1,011 525 779 458 676 359 562 319 442
30-34 865 1,151 745 1,084 577 839 506 732 397 588 352 500
35-39 988 1,386 801 1,229 620 955 543 825 424 687 379 537
40-44 1,250 1,522 1,015 1,324 673 1,037 590 908 564 703 501 626
45-49 1,393 1,679 1,142 1,428 884 1,104 771 962 629 759 560 676
50-54 1,700 1,868 1,441 1,610 1,114 1,249 972 1,111 826 921 734 821
55-59 2,095 2,095 1,821 1,821 1,410 1,408 1,229 1,229 1,035 1,043 920 929
60-64 3,084 2,902 2,810 2,629 2,369 2,091 2,145 1,925 1,792 1,592 1,595 1,417
65-69 6,440 5,587 6,163 5,343 5,765 4,866 4,432 3,617 3,875 3,470 3,449 3,089
70 - 74 Please contact IMG or your agent for premium information concerning this age bracket
New Business Rates through 1/1/2014
Optional Maternity Rider $4000 annual premium
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New Business Rates through Jan. 1, 2014 (Rates include surplus lines tax where applicable)

SILVER WORLDWIDE COVERAGE EXCLUDING US, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Singapore, and Taiwan - ANNUAL PREMIUMS
Age M F M F M F M F M F M F
14 Days-9** First 2 Free*, Then 237 First 2 Free*, Then 207 First 2 Free*, Then 161 First 2 Free*, Then 141 First 2 Free*, Then 130 First 2 Free*, Then 114
10-18** 243 216 179 166 156 137
* The first two Dependent Children between the ages of 14 days to 9 years are free only when both parents or guardians are insured under the plan. **Dependent child rates are only available when at least one parent or guardian is insured under the plan. Children applying with no parent or guardian insured by must use the Male 19-24 rates.
19-24 550 684 475 673 370 516 323 450 253 362 225 312
25-29 580 781 507 759 393 583 343 508 269 421 239 333
30-34 649 863 559 814 432 630 379 549 297 441 264 376
35-39 743 1,040 601 924 465 717 408 619 319 516 284 402
40-44 937 1,142 760 993 505 778 442 681 423 530 376 469
45-49 1,044 1,259 856 1,071 664 829 578 722 471 570 420 506
50-54 1,275 1,401 1,082 1,207 835 937 730 833 619 692 551 616
55-59 1,571 1,571 1,365 1,365 1,057 1,056 921 921 775 782 690 696
60-64 2,313 2,177 2,107 1,972 1,777 1,569 1,609 1,445 1,344 1,195 1,197 1,063
65-69 4,829 4,190 4,623 4,008 4,325 3,650 3,324 2,713 2,907 2,603 2,587 2,316
70 - 74 Please contact IMG or your agent for premium information concerning this age bracket
New Business Rates through 1/1/2014
Optional Maternity Rider $4000 annual premium
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New Business Rates through 1/1/2014 (Rates include surplus lines tax where applicable)

Age M F M F M F M F M F M F
14 Days-9** First 2 Free*, Then 430 First 2 Free*, Then 368 First 2 Free*, Then 275 First 2 Free*, Then 250 First 2 Free*, Then 221 First 2 Free*, Then 200
10-18** 486 396 310 281 251 225
* The first two Dependent Children between the ages of 14 days to 9 years are free only when both parents or guardians are insured under the plan. **Dependent child rates are only available when at least one parent or guardian is insured under the plan. Children applying with no parent or guardian insured by must use the Male 19-24 rates.
19-24 1,015 1,336 873 1,266 698 936 604 809 471 652 372 493
25-29 1,038 1,474 893 1,375 714 1,014 618 877 482 684 381 505
30-34 1,102 1,586 947 1,459 758 1,107 659 963 518 782 409 585
35-39 1,144 1,759 984 1,545 787 1,149 685 1,000 538 812 425 607
40-44 1,503 1,964 1,375 1,788 1,100 1,320 946 1,249 738 952 583 746
45-49 1,740 2,105 1,583 1,930 1,219 1,463 1,097 1,317 894 1,028 706 812
50-54 2,069 2,230 1,862 2,029 1,489 1,623 1,378 1,502 1,102 1,201 871 949
55-59 2,745 2,668 2,443 2,370 1,991 1,932 1,683 1,632 1,413 1,371 1,117 1,083
60-64 3,855 3,636 3,605 3,378 2,884 2,667 2,711 2,507 2,277 2,015 1,867 1,662
65-69 7,712 6,933 7,480 6,485 6,957 5,948 5,391 4,960 4,744 4,365 3,890 3,579
70 - 74 Please contact IMG or your agent for premium information concerning this age bracket
New Business Rates through 1/1/2014
Optional Maternity Rider $4000 annual premium
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New Business Rates through 1/1/2014 (Rates include surplus lines tax where applicable)

GOLD WORLDWIDE COVERAGE EXCLUDING US, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Singapore, and Taiwan - ANNUAL PREMIUMS
Age M F M F M F M F M F M F
14 Days-9** First 2 Free*, Then 324 First 2 Free*, Then 277 First 2 Free*, Then 207 First 2 Free*, Then 189 First 2 Free*, Then 167 First 2 Free*, Then 151
10-18** 359 293 229 208 186 167
* The first two Dependent Children between the ages of 14 days to 9 years are free only when both parents or guardians are insured under the plan. **Dependent child rates are only available when at least one parent or guardian is insured under the plan. Children applying with no parent or guardian insured by must use the Male 19-24 rates.
19-24 751 989 646 937 517 692 447 599 349 483 275 365
25-29 768 1,091 661 1,018 529 751 457 649 357 506 282 373
30-34 815 1,174 701 1,080 561 819 488 712 383 578 303 433
35-39 847 1,301 728 1,143 582 850 507 740 398 601 314 449
40-44 1,112 1,453 1,018 1,323 814 977 700 924 546 704 431 552
45-49 1,288 1,558 1,172 1,428 902 1,083 812 974 662 761 523 601
50-54 1,531 1,650 1,378 1,502 1,102 1,201 1,019 1,111 816 889 644 702
55-59 2,032 1,974 1,808 1,754 1,474 1,429 1,245 1,208 1,046 1,015 826 802
60-64 2,853 2,690 2,667 2,499 2,134 1,974 2,006 1,855 1,685 1,491 1,382 1,230
65-69 5,707 5,131 5,535 4,799 5,148 4,401 3,990 3,670 3,511 3,230 2,879 2,649
70 - 74 Please contact IMG or your agent for premium information concerning this age bracket
New Business Rates through 1/1/2014
Optional Maternity Rider $4000 annual premium
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New Business Rates through 1/1/2014 (Rates include surplus lines tax where applicable)

Age M F M F M F M F M F M F
14 Days-9** First 2 Free*, Then 588 First 2 Free*, Then 495 First 2 Free*, Then 377 First 2 Free*, Then 342 First 2 Free*, Then 306 First 2 Free*, Then 265
10-18** 638 520 403 367 326 296
* The first two Dependent Children between the ages of 14 days to 9 years are free only when both parents or guardians are insured under the plan. **Dependent child rates are only available when at least one parent or guardian is insured under the plan. Children applying with no parent or guardian insured by must use the Male 19-24 rates.
19-24 1,155 1,621 961 1,348 745 1,046 655 920 537 753 410 575
25-29 1,163 1,744 1,000 1,500 775 1,163 682 1,023 558 837 426 640
30-34 1,344 2,079 1,119 1,730 867 1,341 763 1,180 624 966 477 737
35-39 1,500 2,338 1,248 1,946 967 1,508 851 1,327 697 1,086 532 830
40-44 1,934 2,579 1,610 2,147 1,248 1,664 1,098 1,464 899 1,198 686 915
45-49 2,418 2,781 2,012 2,314 1,560 1,794 1,373 1,579 1,123 1,292 858 987
50-54 4,259 4,600 4,098 4,420 3,640 3,931 3,203 3,459 2,621 2,831 2,002 2,162
55-59 5,724 5,618 5,565 5,459 4,982 4,929 4,384 4,338 3,587 3,549 2,740 2,711
60-64 7,139 6,561 6,930 6,365 6,148 5,724 5,410 5,037 4,427 4,121 3,381 3,148
65-69 16,006 13,886 15,370 13,345 14,840 12,720 12,317 10,558 9,201 7,886 8,162 6,996
70 - 74 Please contact IMG or your agent for premium information concerning this age bracket
New Business Rates through 1/1/2014
Optional Maternity Rider $4000 annual premium


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New Business Rates through 1/1/2014 (Rates include surplus lines tax where applicable)

GOLD PLUS WORLDWIDE COVERAGE EXCLUDING US, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Singapore, and Taiwan. - ANNUAL PREMIUMS
Age M F M F M F M F M F M F
14 Days-9** First 2 Free*, Then 439 First 2 Free*, Then 372 First 2 Free*, Then 286 First 2 Free*, Then 255 First 2 Free*, Then 230 First 2 Free*, Then 204
10-18** 478 391 304 274 247 221
* The first two Dependent Children between the ages of 14 days to 9 years are free only when both parents or guardians are insured under the plan. **Dependent child rates are only available when at least one parent or guardian is insured under the plan. Children applying with no parent or guardian insured by must use the Male 19-24 rates.
19-24 866 1,216 721 1,012 559 784 492 691 403 565 307 431
25-29 872 1,309 750 1,125 581 872 512 767 418 628 320 479
30-34 1,009 1,559 839 1,297 651 1,006 572 885 468 724 358 553
35-39 1,125 1,754 936 1,460 726 1,132 639 996 523 815 399 622
40-44 1,451 1,934 1,207 1,610 936 1,248 824 1,098 674 899 515 686
45-49 1,814 2,088 1,509 1,737 1,170 1,347 1,030 1,185 842 970 644 741
50-54 3,626 3,781 3,194 2,331 2,730 2,948 2,402 2,595 1,966 2,123 1,502 1,622
55-59 4,293 4,214 4,174 4,095 3,737 3,697 3,288 3,254 2,690 2,662 2,055 2,034
60-64 5,354 4,921 5,198 4,774 4,611 4,293 4,058 3,778 3,320 3,091 2,536 2,361
65-69 12,005 10,415 11,528 10,010 11,130 9,540 9,238 7,918 6,901 5,915 6,122 5,247
70 - 74 Please contact IMG or your agent for premium information concerning this age bracket
New Business Rates through 1/1/2014
Optional Maternity Rider $4000 annual premium
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New Business Rates through 1/1/2014 (Rates include surplus lines tax where applicable)

Age M F M F M F M F M F M F M F
14 Days-9** First 2 Free*, Then 2,162 First 2 Free*, Then 1,968 First 2 Free*, Then 1,764 First 2 Free*, Then 1,503 First 2 Free*, Then 1,422 First 2 Free*, Then 1,345 First 2 Free*, Then 1,279
10-18** 2,287 2,079 1,821 1,563 1,478 1,395 1,323
* The first two Dependent Children between the ages of 14 days to 9 years are free only when both parents or guardians are insured under the plan. **Dependent child rates are only available when at least one parent or guardian is insured under the plan. Children applying with no parent or guardian insured by must use the Male 19-24 rates.
19-24 3,585 5,456 3,274 4,928 2,892 4,717 2,390 3,520 2,175 3,168 1,888 2,534 1,601 2,218
25-29 3,689 6,542 3,369 5,914 2,976 5,660 2,459 4,224 2,238 3,802 1,943 3,041 1,648 2,440
30-34 4,024 7,614 3,675 6,877 3,246 6,386 2,683 4,912 2,441 4,421 2,119 3,881 1,797 2,997
35-39 4,248 8,455 3,880 7,637 3,427 6,928 2,832 5,455 2,577 4,909 2,237 4,309 1,897 3,109
40-44 5,217 9,248 4,765 8,353 4,208 7,518 3,478 5,966 3,165 5,370 2,747 4,714 2,261 3,580
45-49 6,382 7,365 5,829 6,652 5,276 5,512 4,255 4,752 3,872 4,277 3,361 3,754 2,723 2,851
50-54 13,493 15,332 12,240 13,994 12,047 12,862 9,638 10,290 8,770 9,261 7,614 8,129 6,168 6,483
55-59 19,194 18,918 17,531 17,141 15,995 15,871 12,796 12,697 11,645 11,427 10,109 10,030 7,934 7,872
60-64 21,309 20,237 19,330 18,527 17,960 16,960 15,221 14,252 13,851 12,827 12,024 11,259 9,893 8,979
65-69 43,314 37,933 39,440 34,595 38,031 33,078 35,214 30,347 27,467 25,188 23,946 21,850 20,072 18,208
70 - 74 Please contact IMG or your agent for premium information concerning this age bracket
New Business Rates through 1/1/2014
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New Business Rates through 1/1/2014 (Rates include surplus lines tax where applicable)

PLATINUM WORLDWIDE COVERAGE EXCLUDING US, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Singapore, and Taiwan. - ANNUAL PREMIUMS
Age M F M F M F M F M F M F M F
14 Days-9** First 2 Free*, Then 1,808 First 2 Free*, Then 1,642 First 2 Free*, Then 1,491 First 2 Free*, Then 1,297 First 2 Free*, Then 1,233 First 2 Free*, Then 1,175 First 2 Free*, Then 1,128
10-18** 1,897 1,725 1,535 1,341 1,277 1,215 1,161
* The first two Dependent Children between the ages of 14 days to 9 years are free only when both parents or guardians are insured under the plan. **Dependent child rates are only available when at least one parent or guardian is insured under the plan. Children applying with no parent or guardian insured by must use the Male 19-24 rates.
19-24 2,907 4,427 2,655 3,998 2,345 3,827 1,938 2,856 1,764 2,570 1,531 2,056 1,298 1,799
25-29 2,988 6,719 2,729 6,069 2,410 5,809 1,992 4,335 1,813 3,902 1,574 3,425 1,335 2,558
30-34 3,239 6,130 2,958 5,536 2,613 5,141 2,159 3,955 1,965 3,559 1,706 3,124 1,447 2,412
35-39 3,398 6,764 3,103 6,109 2,741 5,542 2,265 4,364 2,061 3,927 1,789 3,447 1,518 2,487
40-44 4,122 7,306 3,764 6,599 3,325 5,939 2,748 4,713 2,500 4,242 2,171 3,723 1,786 2,828
45-49 5,042 5,819 4,605 5,256 4,168 4,355 3,361 3,754 3,059 3,379 2,655 2,966 2,151 2,253
50-54 10,524 11,958 9,547 10,915 9,396 10,032 7,517 8,026 6,841 7,223 5,939 6,340 4,811 5,056
55-59 14,914 14,699 13,622 13,318 12,429 12,332 9,943 9,865 9,048 8,879 7,855 7,794 6,165 6,117
60-64 16,407 15,583 14,884 14,266 13,829 13,059 11,719 10,974 10,665 9,877 9,258 8,670 7,618 6,914
65-69 32,918 28,829 29,974 26,292 28,904 25,139 26,763 23,063 20,875 19,143 18,199 16,606 15,255 13,838
70 - 74 Please contact IMG or your agent for premium information concerning this age bracket
New Business Rates through 1/1/2014
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